刘 家琨设计捐建的这个小纪念馆不是为国家、民族、政权、伟人修建的,也不是用来弘扬爱国主义和英雄主义的教育阵地。它是为了纪念一个在512地震中消失了的 生命,一个普通但无比珍贵的生命——四川省都江堰聚源镇聚源中学初三一班学生胡慧姗而修建的。它想诉求的社会意义很清晰,但并不为这个时代的当权者所理 解:“对普通生命的珍视是民族复兴的基础”;它的设计概念直接、有力:一个临时安置灾民的帐篷,“永久”地凝固成一栋供死者灵魂栖居和生前遗物存放的房 子;它的空间氛围感人至深:在一个僻静角落里,房子青灰色,简朴,近乎冷漠的外壳,保护着其粉红色、艳丽、柔美的内部。在我看来,这个小房子,而不是鸟巢 和CCTV,是建筑师能给我们这个时代提出的最有力的质问或回答。
在 现实中,匪夷所思的是,这样一栋小房子——异常平实低调的小房子,却不得不顶着巨大、无名的“压力”,悄悄地修建,不敢声张,以免遭随时夭折的厄运。在 5•12一周年祭到来时,它终于完工了。这让所有关心这个小纪念馆的朋友们都松口气,大家都期待着早日去看望她。突然,更令人难以置信的消息传来了:该纪 念馆收到“有关部门”通知,不准开放!
Hu HuishanMemorial
刘家琨 Liu Jiakun
Hu Huishan, female, a student in class one, grade 9 of JuyuanMiddle School, Juyuan Town, Dujiangyan city,Sichuan.
Born on the 11th, Oct., 1992,buried in the Wenchuan earthquake happened at 2:28 pm on the 12thof May, 2008, whose exact death time remaineduncertain.
Her life spanned 15 years, andthe cremation time is the 15th of May,2008.
She enjoyed literature in herlifetime, and dreamed to be a writer.
Hu Ming, laid-off worker ofQingcheng Paper mill, Dujiangyan, aged43.
Liu Li, laid-off worker ofQingcheng Paper mill, Dujiangyan, aged40.
My daughter’s last words to me at 7 o’clock in the morning are,‘mum, yesterday was mother’s day, but I forgot to send youflowers.
Besides, I forgot to take themilk, would you ask my uncle to bring it to me?’ My daughter leftthe world three days after her father’s birthday, second day afterthe Mother’s Day, and 11 days after her father’s and my weddinganniversary.
In her last days, she wassuffering from allergy and itchy redmeasles.
I am so sorry,daughter!
(Extracted from Liu Li’s mobile record)
5 月15日第一次去聚源中学。我似乎看见过胡明刘莉,但我不确定,因为我自己处于震骇状态中。5月28日再去现场,还有父母在哭诉祭奠,其中甚至还有双胞胎 女儿都埋在废墟里的母亲。现在回想起来,我觉得是刘莉珍藏的女儿的脐带乳牙那份细微具体和胡明的坚强骄傲紧紧抓住了我。我们谈了很久,准确地说是我听了很 久,因为我实在没有什么可说的。在这次地震中,悲痛最深的是什么人?我想就是失去儿女的父母。临走时,我对刘莉说:“再生一个女儿,还是叫胡慧姗。”“ 对!”刘莉眼睛一亮,“我就是这样想的。”这句话成了我和他们两口子之间的一个默契。我决定要长期帮助他们,直到他们进入新的生活。我不晓得我能帮些什 么,我记下了他们的联系方式,也记住了刘莉的哮喘不轻。
On the 15th of May, I paid my first visit to the Juyuan MiddleSchool.
I thought I had met Hu Ming andLiu Li then; however, I was not certain, for then I was in thestate of shock.
I returned on the 28th ofMay, still finding other parents mourning for their losses,including a mother who had both of her twin daughters buried in theruins.
As I recall now, it was Liu Li’sdetailed thoughtfulness in keeping her daughter’s umbilical cordand deciduous tooth as well as Hu Ming’s toughness and pride thatmoved me.
We have talked for a long time,or to be more precise, I have listened for a long time, becausethere’s nothing else, as a matter of fact, that I could sayabout.
It makes me wonder, who are theones that bear the deepest sorrow in thisearthquake?
I think it must be thoseparents who have lost their children.
Upondeparture, I spoke to Liu Li, “Give a birth to another baby girland still name her Hu Huishan.”
“Right!”her eyes sparkled suddenly with a hope, “that is exactly what Ithought.”
Through these words, the coupleand I have arrived at a mutualunderstanding.
Idecided to offer them long-term help until they embark on their newlife.
I didn’t know how I could help them,so I jotted down their contact means, and by the mean time, I alsonoticed Liu Li has a seriousasthma.
On the next day, I made a phone call to Hu Ming, asked him tohelp me collect the schoolbags scattered on theground.
Then, I have ceased to contactthem for quite a few days.
It might be theeffect from those psycho-interference programs on TV that led to myhesitation.
I doubted if I went, would itbe stimulating less wounds in their hearts?
6 月21日,我再到聚源。一是想取书包,二是想商量带刘莉去看病的事。我赫然发现他们住在救灾帐篷里。不光是女儿,他们的房子也塌了,身边还有一个残疾老母 亲。书包找不到了,帐篷区很乱。我原来想当然地认为是收在他家里的。胡明有点内疚,我赶紧岔开这个话题。东拉西扯中,我觉得先前的担心是多余的。他们痛失 至爱,希望破灭,他们仍然迫切需要有人倾听。倾听即是安慰。
I went back to Juyuan on the 21st of June with a few things inmind.
Firstly, it is to collect theschoolbags, and other than that, it is to discuss with them ongetting Liu Li to see a doctor.
To myastonishment, I found them living in a makeshifttent.
In the disaster, they have lost notonly their daughter, but also their house.
Together with them is their survived but disabled oldmother.
The schoolbags were nowhere to befound, for the tent area was almost amess.
At the beginning, I took it forgranted that he would have kept the collected schoolbags at hishome.
Hu Ming felt a bit guilty aboutthis, so I quickly turned away from thistopic.
In our random conversations, I cameto realize that my worries were totally useless. They have losttheir precious child and their hope, but they were still in need ofsomeone to listen to them deeply, as listening itself bringsnsolation.
我 吞吞吐吐说出这些天来萦绕于心的想法:为他们的女儿建一个小小的纪念馆。接下来的事我始料未及。打算做一点力所能及的事就得到如此感激,足以使我重省人生 意义。我一直自愧能力不足,做不成更多的实事,我一直有点怀疑我这个想法在目前的生存现实下也许太过诗情画意,也许对他们不是实际帮助,而胡明的话使我不 再怀疑。那些实际的物质困难,“都是身外之物”,对心灵的安慰才是最深切的安慰。那么好吧,想到啥就做啥,做一点是一点。
I muttered out the idea that has been lingering in my mind fordays:
to build a small memorial for theirdaughter.
And what follows next was out ofmy expectation.
Their sincere gratitudefor this tiny effort that I spared for them had made me reconsiderthe meaning of life.
Until then, I wasashamed of my lack of ability, which does not allow me to achievemuch that are practical; and until then, I was suspecting if myidea might be too poetic under such current situation, which thismight not mean any practical help for them, but Hu Ming’s words hascleared my doubts.
Those physical suffersare all “worldly possessions”, the most heartfelt consolation mustcome from the healing of the soul.
If so,then, we can only go with our heart, and give whatever we canprovide.
胡 慧姗纪念馆以灾区最为常见的坡顶救灾帐篷作为原型,采用框架结构及再生砖建造,表面施以乡村最常见的抹灰,像灾区常见的一样,室内外均采用红砖铺地。单 纯,朴素,普通。一个田边林间的小小的纯粹空间。虽然小,但足以勾起人们对地震的集体记忆;虽然小,但却是我设计生涯中最有意义的事情。
The Hu Huishan memorial takes its prototype from the pitchedroof makeshift tents frequently used in quake-stricken area. Itwill be built with column and beam framed construction and rebirthbricks.
The surfaces will be plastered ina way that is done in the local countrysidehouses.
The floor in the exterior andinterior will be paved with red bricks, just as those commonly seenin the houses at quake-stricken areas.
Thegoal is to achieve a sense of simplicity, austerity anduniversality.
A pure space placed amongthe trees and the open field.
Thoughsmall, it is enough to remind people of the collective memory ofthe earthquake.
Though small, it is themost meaningful work I have done in my whole architecturalcareer.
Inside the memorial, the sidewalls will be displaying a fewremembrances, which recorded Hu Huishan's short life: photos,schoolbag, notebooks, deciduous tooth, umbilical cord… Her lifedidn’t leave much trace on the society.
She is not a celebrity, only a normal girl – a pearl in herparents’ eyes.
A screen will be set on the wall of the far end, displaying aseries of videos recorded in Juyuan after I met herparents.
This small space can accommodatea few people to sit and view the screen, thus functioning much likea small family projection room.
Itdisplays nothing solemn or loud, but something in memory of aflowery age maiden, and something about how a despaired familystrives to live on.
I don’t know rather this memorial, which I donated and built,will be the smallest one in the world.
Butthis memorial is built for their daughter, and is also built forall the ordinary lives – for the attitude of treasuring lives isthe very foundation of reviving anationality.
地点(Location):中国 四川大邑安仁 Dayi town,Dayi county, Sichuan Province,P.R.C
项目团队(Project Team):
建筑师(Architects):刘家琨、罗明,孙恩,张瞳/ Liu Jiakun,Luo Ming,Sun En,ZhangTong
结构工程(Structural Engineering):刘速 Liu Su
建造时间(Construction Period):2009.3~2009.5
基地面积(Site Area): 58m²
建筑面积(Building area):19 m²
业主(Owner):家琨建筑工作室捐建 donated and constructed by JiakunArchitectes
用途(Use):纪念馆 Memorial
项目概念和描述(Project Concept and description)
胡 慧珊纪念馆位于安仁建川博物馆聚落“512地震馆”旁的一片小树林中,是为在512地震中死难的都江堰聚源中学普通女生胡慧珊而建。纪念馆采用救灾帐篷为 原型,面积,体量,形态均近似于帐篷,外部红砖铺地,墙面采用民间最常用的抹灰砂浆,内部为女孩生前喜欢的粉红色,墙上布满女孩短促一生的遗物。从一个圆 形天窗撒进的光线,使这个小小空间纯洁而娇艳--------这个纪念馆,是为一个普通的女孩,也是为所有的普通生命-------对普通生命的珍视是民 族复兴的基础。
Hu Huishan Memorial House located in a piece of forest next to the“512 Exhibition Hall” of Jianchuan Museum Cluster, Anren. Thismemorial is built for Hu Huishan, a normal girl student of JuyuanMiddle School who was buried in the Wenchuan earthquake. Thememorial takes its prototype from the makeshift tents. The floor inthe exterior is paved with red bricks, and the surfaces isplastered in a way that is done in the local countryside houses.The interior wall is painted into pink which is the girl’s favoritecolor and full of remembrances , which recorded her short life. Aray of light from a round clearstory, makes this small space pureand charming —— this memorial is built for a normal girl, and isalso built for all the ordinary lives —— for the attitude oftreasuring lives is the very foundation of reviving anationality..(林凡榆翻译)
(图片1,3-9摄影者为Iwan Baan,其余为家琨工作室提供)